Prof. Emilie Sauret
Emilie Sauret is currently Professor in the School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), and an elected council member of the Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society.
She received her PhD degree in Turbulence Modelling from the Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC), Paris, France in 2004. Prior to her postdoctoral position at the University of Queensland (2009–2012), she spent 5 years in the automotive and oil and gas industry in France and Australia.
In 2013, she received an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Research Award (ARC-DECRA) and joined QUT. Professor Sauret has extensive interdisciplinary research experience in computational fluid dynamics, applied mathematics and applied physics.
Her current research focusses on the development of advanced computational techniques to accurately simulate complex non-ideal fluid flow behaviours that are critical for the rational design and robust optimisation of engineering applications, in particular in the field of energy and biomedical engineering.
She has authored more than 100 publications, attracted over AUD 11 million in research funding and established collaborations across the globe.
In 2020, Professor Sauret was awarded an ARC Future Fellowship to uncover fundamental microscale physics, pioneering research on computational microfluidics.
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