

Call 3 is open

FAQ & Resources

We are looking for highly motivated researchers to kick-off their PhD journey both in France and Australia within one of our industry-supported research projects.

As an AUFRANDE researcher, you will:

• Be enrolled in doctoral programs at two entities in France and Australia, with the chance to be awarded dual doctorates
• Work on innovative projects of high commercial and societal value
• Be recruited under a French employment contract, including social security coverage
• Be employed full-time for a minimum period of 36 months
• Earn an above-national standard salary
• See the world with once-in-a-lifetime experiences, including a 6 to 12 months residential stay in Australia
• Form part of a rich multidisciplinary network of researchers and supervisors coming together in annual training schools in France and Australia
• Work closely and gain experience with AUFRANDE’s pool of industry leaders

Who can apply?

Candidates applying for an open position must fulfil all the following eligibility criteria:

Not have been awarded a doctoral degree; and
Not have resided in France for more than 12 months in the past 3 years; and
• Not be already permanently employed by the research host for the position you are applying to; and
Meet the requirements to enrol in a doctoral program at both PhD-awarding institutions (applicants must graduate with a Master’s degree before December 2024); and
• Demonstrate high English language proficiency.

For complete eligibility details, including special circumstances and evidence to be submitted, check the Guide for applicants (updated).

NB: If you do not meet all conditions, your application will be disregarded.

Equal opportunities

AUFRANDE is a PhD training program for talented researchers of any age, nationality, culture, gender, and sexual orientation, co-funded by the European Union as part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA).

Our selection process aligns with the principles set out in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for Recruitment. The consortium adheres to the principles of the European Commission’s Strategy on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men and promotes genuine equal access opportunities between all applicants throughout the recruitment process. Furthermore, a researcher requiring extra support might be eligible for a special circumstances allowance.

How to apply

We require that all candidates follow the same application process to ensure that the selection process is consistent and fair: only applications that are complete, in English, and submitted online before the deadline will be considered eligible. Incomplete applications will be discarded.

Candidates may submit only 1 application where they can choose up to 3 positions.

Before applying

1. Carefully read the Guide for applicants (updated), the full Position Description and the FAQ before starting your application.
2. Make sure you understand the position description and entry requirements (section 4 of the PDF Position Description).
3. Confirm that you meet all eligibility criteria.
4. Prepare all the documentation requested (in English).

Applying to an AUFRANDE position

5. Create a personal account: register on the application portal.
6. Activate your account: you will receive an email with an activation link.
7. Log in and locate the AUFRANDE Program.
8. Complete the application form online for the desired position(s).
9. Upload ALL requested documents: only documents uploaded on the platform will be considered.
10. Review all the information and submit the form before the deadline.

Important: your 2 referees must submit their references on the portal before 4 September 2024.


Applicants will be evaluated on a set of evaluation criteria including academic merit, scientific quality and research potential, ability to carry out a research project and work in an international context.

For full selection criteria check the Guide for applicants (updated). You can also download the Guide for Evaluators to see how your application will be assessed.

Key Dates

At the end of each evaluation stage, you will be notified by email if your application has progressed to the next stage or if it is unsuccessful. Unsuccessful applicants will be given 7 days to submit a request for redress according to the process detailed in the Guide for applicants (updated).

27 June 2024

Call opens

Have a look at the open positions and prepare your application

27 August 2024


Submit your application through the online portal before 11:59 PM CET

Make sure that your referees submit their assessment too

September 2024

Eligibility check and Evaluation

Our Team will check that your application is complete and meets the AUFRANDE and MSCA criteria

Evaluators will then assess eligible applications and establish a shortlist

October 2024


Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed via videoconference

Successful candidates will then receive a conditional offer and be informed about the next steps

October-December 2024


Successful candidates must submit all the requested documents for enrolling at the 2 host universities within 2 months after accepting the offer

January 2025

Start your fellowship

Selected candidates will sign an employment contract and be enrolled as a doctoral researcher at both research host institutions

Supporting documents

To be considered as complete, your application must comprise:

• The online application form;
• A valid photo identification document (national ID for EU citizen only, passport or equivalent, in Latin characters);
• A Curriculum Vitae;
• A motivation essay;
• Your official academic transcripts (Master’s and Bachelor’s);
• A valid proof of English proficiency;
• Optional: 1-page overview of your Master’s (or equivalent) research project;
• The contact details for 2 referees, who will be asked to provide brief statements of recommendation on SlideRoom.