Doctoral Candidates


Simón Antonio Leyton Alarcón



Simón Leyton Alarcón was born in Santiago de Chile as the only child of a loving family. From an early age, Simón exhibited a strong inclination towards science, mathematics, and technology. Encouraged by his parents, he learned to speak English at a young age, a skill that has opened numerous doors to new opportunities throughout his life. He developed a methodical personality with a high capacity for analysis and problem-solving—qualities he considers essential in pursuing his dreams.

At the age of six, Simón decided he wanted to become a mining engineer, a dream he held onto for nearly two decades. In 2023, he graduated from the Federico Santa María Technical University in Chile with a degree in Civil Mining Engineering, supported by his thesis titled “Geometric effects of the draw mode and number of extraction points in the IEZ for caving mining using DEM,” which earned him a score of 84/100.

A portion of his thesis work led to an article that was selected for presentation in ePoster mode at the First Chilean Congress of Rock Mechanics (SCMR) in 2023. This work also laid the foundation for another article (currently under review). Additionally, Simón briefly worked in Chile as a researcher for BHP, one of the largest mining companies in the world.

Driven by an unceasing dreamer’s spirit and a restless determination, Simón made the bold decision to leave behind his entire life—his parents, friends, and family—to pursue his lifelong dream of working as a scientist in a laboratory, unraveling scientific mysteries, and contributing with the greatest enthusiasm.


Simón has a wide range of hobbies that he engages in during my free time. Watching films and going to the cinema is a sacred activity for him, taking the time to watch cinema from various countries such as Chilean, Russian, Swedish, Japanese, Italian, American, among others. Other hobbies include listening to music, singing in a small band with his friends, landscape photography, playing video games, watching football and tennis, as well as swimming.