Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse

INSA is the leading French group of engineering institutes, graduating about 10% of French engineers. Among this group, INSA Toulouse is a dynamic engineering school, providing a range of 8 engineering specialisations, including computer sciences, civil engineering, mathematical engineering and biochemical engineering. Its courses, linked to the latest scientific advances, are supported by the activity of leading-edge research laboratories, backed by large industrial groups, for example in the fields of new materials for aeronautics, environmental protection techniques and nano-objects. The INSA laboratory which will participate to the project is the LPCNO, which host 80 persons (including PhD and post-docs). Its distinctive feature is to get together in the same laboratory groups of chemistry, physics and biology. LPCNO is labelled by the CNRS (National Center of Scientific Research).
Working conditions for the recruited researchers
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, Toulouse offers a 36-months full-time work contract (with the option to extend up to a maximum of 42 months). The total working hour per week is 37.5h.
Benefits include
· Access to all the necessary facilities and laboratories, including LPCNO’s facilities and laboratories, as long as common plateforms for advanced microscopy and NMR spectroscopy.
· Tuition fees exemption.
· 51 days paid holiday leave.
· Sick leave.
· Parental leave.
Conditions for PhD enrolment
Applicant should meet the following specific requirements :
· Hold a Master of Science degree in chemistry, physics, physical chemistry or nanosciences with excellent grades; and
· Excellent proficiency (written and verbal) in English :
- Excellent English level (CECR: C1 or C2 or IELTS: 7.0 or Cambridge English Scale: 185 or TOEIC > 750)
- Fluent in French and good English level (CECR : B2 or IELTS : 6.5 or Cambridge English Scale: 170 or TOEIC >750
More information : or website of the doctoral school :
In order to be employed at INSA Toulouse, the Applicant as to be presented in front of an internal hiring commission, to comply with “ZRR – Zone à Régime Restrictif” regulations and the doctoral school regulations.