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Physical Chemistry

Mechanical antibiotics and anti-viral nanomaterials synthesised by laser-ablative methods

Sravan Sangeeth Surendran

Research Areas

Chemistry and Physics of Nanoparticles, Biocidal Properties of Nanomaterials

Project Brief

The present PhD project is related to the development of mechanical antibiotics and anti-viral nanomaterials synthesized by laser-ablative methods. The project will benefit from complimentary interdisciplinary expertise of French and Australian partners: expertise of the French team in the development of laser-ablative (non-chemical) routes for the synthesis of novel nanomaterials for biomedical applications (LP3-AMU), and the expertise of the Australian teams the assessment of biocidal activity and biocompatibility of nanomaterials and nanostructured surfaces (RMIT) and specific laser-assisted nanotexturing of surfaces for biomedical use (Swinburne Univ). Such a unique combination of expertise is expected to contribute to generation of new knowledge in the assessment of biomedical prospects of nanomaterials, as well as provide novel methods for antibiotic and anti-viral use.

The PhD student will benefit from interdisciplinary environment of involved teams, which will help him to master a variety of methods, including laser-ablative synthesis of nanomaterials, their characterization and functionalization, biological assessment of nanomaterials and nanotextured surfaces. In addition, the student will benefit from the supervision by world-leading experts in related fields.