Dr. Christian Grillet
Christian Grillet is a CNRS researcher at the Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon (INL) and leads the field of “Mid-IR photonics” in the ILUM team. He is currently head of the LIA ALPhfA (International associated laboratory in Photonics between France and Australia a consortium of 5 French laboratories and 5 Australian laboratories centered around photonics) and coordinates the ECLAUSion program a H2020 Marie Curie action PhD cotutelle program between RMIT and EC-Lyon). Christian Grillet received his Ph. D. degree in photonic integrated devices from Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France, in 2003. He joined the CUDOS group (a six Australian university consortium) at the University of Sydney in 2004. He was in charge of the “All-Optical Switch” CUDOS flagship project coordinating the research activities within the centre and with international collaborators. He joined CNRS in 2012 to lead the emerging field of “integrated nonlinear Mid-IR photonics”. His primary interests are nonlinear optics, integrated optics, silicon photonics, nanophotonics, mid-infrared and slow light.