Dr. Emilie Capron
Dr. Emilie Capron is a CNRS research scientist in paleoclimatology at the Institute of Environmental Geosciences (University of Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, IRD, INRAE and Grenoble-INP) and an Honorary Research affiliate of the British Antarctic Survey. Her research aims to reconstruct past climate dynamics by using polar ice core datasets and linking them to other natural archives and to modelling exercises. Using such a multi-archive approach requires her to overcome the major challenge of defining robust and coherent age models amongst the various archives. Her research tackles three main questions that are important in the context of climate change and its future impacts on socio-economic and natural systems:
• What are the physical processes responsible for triggering past abrupt warming events?
• What are the interactions between climate, polar ice sheets and the carbon cycle during large global warming transitions (deglaciations)?
• What are the regional climate changes, processes and feedbacks during past warm intervals (interglacials)?
She is currently leading the Make Our Planet Great Again HOTCLIM project (2020-2026) and the co-coordinator of the European DEEPICE Innovative Training Network (2021-2024). She is involved also in the European H2020 Beyond EPICA Ice Core project (2019-2026). In 2021, she was awarded the CNRS bronze medal and she received the Axa Award for Climate Science.