Dr. Fermín Cuevas
Fermin CUEVAS obtained his PhD in Physics at Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain) in 1996. After postdoctoral training at MPI Metals Research (Germany) and CNRS- ICMPE-East-Paris Institute of Chemistry and Materials (France), he got in 2002 a permanent research position at CNRS-ICMPE.
Fermin CUEVAS is currently head of the Interaction of Hydrogen and Matter group at ICMPE, https://www.icmpe.cnrs.fr/en/research/metallurgy-and-inorganic-materials-department/ihm/, co-head of the Storage axis at the French Research Network on Hydrogen Energy, https://frh2.cnrs.fr/axe-stockage/, and co-director of the French-Australian International Research Network on Conversion and Energy Storage IRN-FACES, https://faces-irn.cnrs.fr/.
His main research activities are focused on intermetallics, composites and complex hydrides for solid state hydrogen storage as well as their functional properties as electrode and electrolyte materials for Ni-MH and Li-ion batteries. He has published over 150 articles in peer-reviewed international journals.