Dr. Jacquomo Monk
Dr Monk has over a decade of experience in the private and university sectors as an applied quantitative spatial ecologist working at the interface between marine ecology, geospatial science and quantitative statistics.
Jac’s work has seen him use cutting-edge underwater imaging platforms to explore and document the extraordinary sea life from the dark cold waters of southern Tasmania to the clear tropical waters of St Lucia. His research has made incredible inroads into advancing a nationally integrated monitoring system to underpin management of Australia’s Marine Parks. This has led to an international reputation in marine conservation, evidenced by a strong peer-review publication record of >40 scientific papers and >70 technical reports, many including students and early career researchers that he has supervise(d). These publications have a notable research impact that is 231% above the world average based on SciVal Field-weighted Citation Impact with a Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=7T4x4k4AAAAJ&hl=en) H-index of 20 and an upward citation trajectory total of >1400 citations.
He aims to continue to develop “digital ecosystem” of interoperable tools and platforms to ensure that marine mapping and monitoring data can be readily and accurately transferred into knowledge, which is easily interpreted by a wide range of stakeholders (often beyond the initial needs of scientists). This will be achieved through his advisory roles in the development of GlobalArchive (https://globalarchive.org/), the scientific leadership of the Integrated Marine Observing Systems’ Understanding of Marine Imagery sub-facility (https://imos.org.au/facilities/facilities/understanding-marine-imagery) and SeaMap Australia (https://seamapaustralia.org/), and via his appointment to the Technical Advisory Group for the Australian Ocean Data Network (https://sites.google.com/site/aodntag/home)”