Full Prof. Nicolas Saintier
Pr. N. Saintier has been working in the field of fatigue of materials and structures under complex loadings for the past twenty years dealing with a wide range of materials, from polymers, elastomers to metallic materials. His work aim at further understanding an model the link between microstructure of materials and their behavior at the macro scale. The understanding of the physical phenomena driving fatigue failure by the use of 3D/4D imaging, full field computation on numerical materials, statistical models for microstructure and multiaxial fatigue modeling, and more recently meta materials are some focus of interest. He obtained his PhD in 2001 from the prestigious Ecole des Mines de Paris in 2001 on multiaxial fatigue of elastomers. After a Post-Doc at Sydney University, he was proposed a position of assistant professor at Arts et Metiers ParisTech in 2004. Full professor since 2014, he is now head of the Solid Mechanics Department of the I2M institute (Bordeaux) since 2016 and member of several scientific networks at the national level. In 2014 he formed an additive manufacturing center now recognized as a leading center for additive manufacturing of metallic materials at the regional and national level. Since 2020 he is co-director of the national scientific group for High Energy in Additive Manufacturing which consist of more than 13 laboratories on all aspects related to additive manufacturing. He is also leading an International Research Project (funded by CNRS) between France and Australia in order to trigger collaborations at a National Level on Additive Manufacturing. https://www.i2m.u-bordeaux.fr/Recherche/DuMAS-Durabilite-des-Materiaux-des-Assemblages-et-des-Structures