Prof. Alex Fuerbach
Alexander Fuerbach was born in Vienna, Austria. He obtained a Master’s degree in Engineering in 1999 and a PhD degree in Photonics in 2001 from Vienna University of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Ferenc Krausz. He then joined the company Femtolasers Produktions GmbH where he was responsible for the development of advanced ultrashort-pulsed Ti:Sapphire laser systems. In 2004 he returned to academia and moved to Australia to take on a position as Research Fellow at the University of Sydney, studying ultrafast pulse propagation effects in novel optical fibres.
In late 2005 he was awarded an Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship which allowed him to establish his own research group at Macquarie University in Sydney where he has been ever since. He is currently full Professor and Director of Research Training for the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences.
Alexander Fuerbach’s principal research interests are focused on the interaction of femtosecond laser pulses with solid matter for photonic device fabrication and the development of integrated waveguide and fibre laser systems for the mid-infrared spectral region.