Prof. Dimitri Batani
Dimitri Batani got his PhD in Physics at the University of Pisa (Italy) on the “Generation and characterization of Soft X-ray from laser-plasmas”. He then moved to the Plasma Physics group of the University of Milan and then, as senior researcher and associate professor, to the University of Milano Bicocca (Italy). In 2011, he became Full Professor at University of Bordeaux (CELIA laboratory), where since 2014 he is Professor of “Exceptional class”. He is fellow of the European Physical Society (EPS), Senior Member of Institute Universitaire de France (IUF) and member of the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC). His research interests span from laser-driven sources of particle and radiations, to Inertial Confinement Fusion, Study of Matter in extreme pressure conditions, development of plasma diagnostics.