Prof. Vipul Bansal
Professor Vipul Bansal is the Founding Director of Sir Ian Potter NanoBioSensing Facility at RMIT University. After receiving a Ph.D. in materials chemistry and nanobiotechnology from the National Chemical Laboratory of India, Vipul joined RMIT University Australia in 2008 as an Australian Research Council APD Fellow. In 2014, he established the Sir Ian Potter NanoBioSensing Facility as an Australian Research Council Future Fellow. His team develops cross-cutting nanotechnologies for applications across sensors, diagnostics, biomedical imaging, and cellular immunotherapies. He has published over 200 journal articles in this area that have received over 14,400 citations and an h-Index of 65. Vipul is a cross-disciplinary thought leader with an inclination towards social entrepreneurship through technological interventions. He is passionate about two things – mentoring the next generation of research leaders and facilitating the translation of nanotechnologies from the bench-side to the bedside. One of his licensed biomedical imaging agents is in the advanced stages of human clinical trials. The high social impact and practical implications of his research have seen him regularly appear in the mainstream media. Several of his previous Ph.D. students are working in leading positions, both in Academia and Industry. Among various awards and honours, he considers his regular recognition as the “Supervisor of the Year” a career highlight, which reflects upon his passion to provide high-quality research supervision. For more information, see: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vbansalnanotech/?originalSubdomain=au