Assoc. Prof. Rini Akmeliawati
Rini is currently an associate professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering, the University of Adelaide. She is a Fellow in Engineers Australia (FIEAust) and Senior Member of IEEE. She is the Coordinator of Robotics and Automation Research Group, the lead of the Space Robotics Subgroup and the Program Coordinator for Mechatronics and Robotics program at the School of Mechanical Engineering. She obtained her PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (major: Control Engineering) from the University of Melbourne in 2002, and Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (honours) from RMIT University in 1997. She was a full Professor in the Department of Mechatronics Engineering at the International Islamic University Malaysia in 2012-2018 and Associate Professor in 2008-2012 in the same department. She was a lecturer at School of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Monash University (2004-2008) and School of Mathematics and Geospatial Sciences, RMIT University (2001-2004).
She was the Vice President of the Malaysian Society of Automatic Control Engineers (MACE) 2016-2018. She has been invited to be Keynote speaker and invited speaker on her research outcomes in International and National Conferences. She has published more than 200 research papers in journals, conference proceedings and book chapters. She is currently supervising 9 PhD students and more than 15 honours project students.
Her research interests are on Control Systems Design (Theory and Applications), Space and bio-inspired Robotics, Precision Agriculture, System Modelling and Identification, and Intelligent Mechatronics Systems.