Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer

Working conditions for the recruited researchers
A pioneer in marine science and technology, Ifremer is dedicated to Protect and restore the ocean, sustainably use marine resources, and Share Ocean data, information & knowledge.
Created in 1984 as a French national public institution under the joint supervision of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Ministries in charge of the Environment, Energy and the Sea, Ifremer is a driving force in France and at European and international levels to push the boundaries of ocean knowledge, from the sea shore to the high sea, from marine living resources to spatial oceanography, from seabed exploration to the ocean-atmosphere link.
Ifremer teams perform a wide range of scientific activities, provide expertise, and foster technological innovation, covering a wide disciplinary spectrum: environmental sciences, biology, physics, geosciences, data science, robotics, socio economics.
With locations distributed all along the coastline in metropolitan France and French overseas territories, Ifremer designs and operates experimental platforms, marine observing and monitoring facilities, and manages the French oceanographic fleet.