Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

A university at the cutting edge of innovation, Lyon 1 delivers highquality education and research excellence within an attractive environment. Its international reach extends through the fields of science, technology, health and sport.
Key figures : 47,860 students, 16 degrees, 50 masters, 4.623 employees, a budget of 420,5 million euros, 3 main campus and 11 geographical sites
With 62 laboratories, 2900 teachers-researchers, and more than 5,600 publications per year, Lyon 1 contributes to scientific progress in numerous fields: health, mathematics, IT, physics, chemistry, earth and space sciences, life sciences, etc. Creator of emerging knowledge and new technologies, the University is consolidating its research excellence on a global level by developing inter- and multidisciplinary approaches.
Working alongside scientific players, students at Lyon 1 learn through research. Faculty members share their knowledge, work tools and facilities: a hands-on educational approach, ensuring the quality of programme content and paving the way for successful entry to the workplace. Encouraging student mobility, the University is committed to reinforcing the international dimension of its programmes and providing genuine opportunities for students wishing to study abroad.
The leading French university in terms of the number of patents filed, Lyon 1 is an innovation factory. Ranked among the top 100 most innovative universities in the world (Reuters ranking), Lyon 1 forges solid, long-term relations with companies within the context of its proactive research transfer and partnership policy.
Lyon 1 is also committed to innovation in terms of teaching methods. Students have access to a latest generation educational platform, innovative practical work sessions and unique teaching facilities: cuttingedge technical platforms, 3D simulation, simulation on life-like models, drones, MOOCs, etc.
Working conditions for the recruited researchers
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 offers a 36-months full-time work contract (with the option to extend up to a maximum of 42 months). The total number of worked hours per week is 37h30.
Benefits include
· Access to the University educational resources, as well as ILM/CETHIL research facilities and laboratories.
· Tuition fees exemption.
· 47 days paid holiday leave.
· Sick leave.
· Parental leave.
Conditions for PhD enrolment
Applicants must have a bac+5 diploma or equivalent (Master 2 in France).
More information: https://www.univ-lyon1.fr/recherche/formation-doctorale/le-doctorat/procedure-dinscription-en-doctorat-1
In accordance with French law, Applicants from foreign countries may have to be evaluated by the secret defence services. USMB may refuse to sign or interrupt a work contract in the event of an unfavourable assessment of the Applicant.