Born in Montpellier in 1983, he obtained his engineering degree (optoelectronics) at the University of Montpellier 2 (UM2) in 2006. He then continued his doctoral studies within the Nanomir photonics team in the Institute of Electronics and System (IES) of UM2 in France. He obtained his doctorate in semiconductors for MidIR applications in 2010 by defending his thesis on InAs/GaSb superlattice laser diodes. He then worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the INTEC-IMEC photonics group at Ghent University on integrated mid-IR optics in Belgium. After industrial experience, he also worked for 3 years at CEA-Grenoble on Germanium photonics from 2015 to 2017. Since 2017, he is an associate professor at the University of Lyon, working on different photonic devices for visible and infrared applications. In 2023, its main research subject is the study of photonic micro-devices produced by pulsed laser deposition. He also works on other projects around photonics and integrated optics such as for TDBC thin layers.