Université Paris Saclay

The Institute of Molecular Chemistry and Materials of Orsay (ICMMO – UMR 8182) brings together approximately 150 permanent staff and 120 doctoral students or post-doctoral trainees within the framework of a structure at the heart of the Faculty of Sciences of Orsay of the Paris-Sud University. It is one of the most important university research structures in Chemistry in France. The Synthesis, Properties and Modeling of Materials team (SP2M) was created on January 1, 2014 from the two former teams of the Institute’s “Materials Science” research topic: Non-equilibrium materials team and Physical chemistry of the solid state. This re-organization was motivated by our close research themes and was intended to give more coherence to the materials science activities within the Institute. Our research focuses on the physical and chemical, thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of the organization of matter (metal oxides and alloys) at several scales as well as the study of properties resulting from this organization. Since its creation, the team has around thirty permanent members and consists of five thematic groups. The objective of MAP research group (lead by Prof Lancry) is the understanding of the mechanisms of silica-based glasses interaction with photons, leading to permanent changes in the physical properties, which can be then used to develop applications in photonics. We have strong track record in fundamental studies regarding materials chemistry synthesis and characterization, silica-based glasses laser processing and more generally on laser-matter interaction in glasses. For example, our group is well known expert in UV laser glass processing and defect spectroscopy in a wide variety of silica-based glasses. We have published several papers on glass transformation kinetics, which leads to lifetime prediction for telecommunication companies. This led to international recognition with invited talks, consulting contracts for these companies and invited papers and book chapters in the photosensitivity field.
Working conditions for the recruited researchers
University Paris Saclay offers a 36-months full-time work contract (with the option to extend up to a maximum of 42 months). The total working hours per week is 35h.
Benefits include
· Access to all the necessary facilities and laboratories (optics, spectroscopy and electrons microscopy facilities), to sport and training activities.
· Tuition fee waiver.
· 25 days paid holiday leave.
· Sick leave.
· Parental leave.
Conditions for PhD enrolment
Applicants to 2MIB doctotal school should hold a master in science or in engineering (physics, chemistry, optics, materials science, …) and demonstrate a good English proficiency.
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