Towards Explainable Intrusion Detection with the Human in the Loop
Bhavani Sunila
Françoise Sailhan
Olaf Maennel
Kaie Maennel
Research Areas
Computer science, cyber security, artificial intelligence, machine learning
Project Brief
Anomaly and intrusion detection systems have been improved by recent advancements in artificial intelligence and sensor technologies. Yet these systems are still at risk from the evolving nature of threats, especially adversarial AI attacks. This issue is one of the main catalysts for this research proposal, which focuses on the development of novel AI-driven algorithms which may be employed to detect adversarial data poisoning in heterogeneous log formats. Methods for human-in the-loop models can be used to incorporate humans as expert knowledge to obtain better accuracy and trustworthiness in their decisions. Key parts of the study shall be log parsing, evasion attack detection, real-time analysis, scalability, and provide standardized benchmarks for evaluating these systems.