Assoc. Prof. Yvonne Durandet
Dr. Yvonne Durandet is Associate Professor (Advanced Manufacturing) in the Department of Mechanical and Product Design Engineering. She is also the Academic Director (Work Integrated Learning) and Industry Research Coordinator for the School of Engineering at Swinburne. She has extensive industry experience, and actively pursues industry-engaged projects for Research as well as Teaching & Learning.
She successfully led industry-linked R&D projects for Excellerate Australia, AutoCRC, and CAST CRC. She was awarded the David StJohn CAST Industry Partners’ Award, based on nominations by Henrob (UK) Pty Ltd and BlueScope Steel Ltd for achievements in laser assisted self-pierce riveting and in laser surfacing of Al-Zn-Si coatings respectively. She received two CAST commercialisation awards for laser assisted joining and laser assisted cutting technologies.
Prior to joining Swinburne, she was a Senior Research Engineer at BHP where she led strategic projects on twin roll strip casting of steel, near net shape casting of non-ferrous metals, direct casting of steel wires and continuous hot dip metallic coatings of steel sheets.
Her research interests include Characterisation of Materials/Properties/Process Relationships; Additive and Near Net Shape Manufacturing; Laser Processing of Materials; Casting and Solidification; Welding and Joining; Surface Engineering.