Prof. Amer Baghdadi
Amer Baghdadi (Senior Member, IEEE) is a Professor at IMT Atlantique, Brest campus, France. He received his Engineering degree in 1998, Master of Science degree in the same year and the PhD degree in 2002, all from Grenoble INP (Institut National Polytechnique), France. Furthermore, he received the accreditation to supervise research (HDR) in Sciences and Technologies of Information and Communication from the University of Southern Brittany (UBS), Lorient, France, in 2012. Prof. Amer Baghdadi leads the Algorithm-Architecture Interaction (2AI) research team in the Mathematical and Electrical Engineering Department of IMT Atlantique and in the T2I3 Department of Lab-STICC. He is also in charge of the “Embedded and Heterogeneous Systems” teaching program at IMT Atlantique. Prof. Amer Baghdadi has coordinated, contributed and assumed scientific responsibilities in more than ten national and five European collaborative research projects. His research activities are mainly focused on embedded system design for applications in digital communications and neural networks, with a special interest in flexible implementations, application-specific processor design, hardware accelerators, networks-on-chip and multiprocessor system-on-chip architectures, energy-efficient designs, processing-in-memory, and nonvolatile memory-based design approaches.