

Prof. Jerome Antoni

Director of LVA Lab


Jerome Antoni (M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, 1995, Ph.D. in Signal Processing, 2000, University of Technology of Compiègne) joined the University of Technology of Compiègne in 2001, after completing his PhD at the University of Grenoble (France). He currently holds a full professor position at the University of Lyon, France, and leads the research group Laboratoire Vibrations Acoustique. The main direction of his research activity is concerned with the development of signal processing methods in mechanical applications, with a special interest in the resolution of inverse problems in acoustics and vibrations. This includes applications in machine and structural health monitoring (MHM & SHM), identification and imaging of acoustic and vibration sources. He has published about two hundred journal papers in these domains. Jerome Antoni is Associate Editor of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing and with the editorial boards of Applied Sciences and Machines.