Prof. Paul Hazell
Paul Hazell is a Professor of Impact Dynamics in the School of Engineering and Information Technology (SEIT) at UNSW Canberra. Prior to taking up this appointment he was a Reader at Cranfield University (UK), head of the Centre for Ordnance Science and Technology and head of the Dynamic Response Group.
His main research interests centre on the dynamic behaviour of materials and structures that have been subjected to impact / shock loading. In particular his recent work has involved examining the role that microstructure plays in the shock and spall behaviour of certain metals. He has also been actively involved in discovering methods for improving the performance of lightweight armour systems including ways of defending against attack from shaped-charge weapon systems and improvised explosive devices (IEDs).
Paul’s teaching experience includes courses on armour systems design, military vehicle lethality & survivability, computational modelling techniques, shock and impact mechanics, impact dynamics, ballistics, firepower technologies, lethality and survivability and weapon technologies. He has won two awards for his ‘motivated’ lecturing style.
Paul is chairman of the Impact Dynamics Research Group (IDRG) at UNSW Canberra and has published extensively in the fields of shock, impact and ballistics. He is also on the Editorial Board for the journal Shock Waves (Springer) and written two books on the subject of armour and a recent book on guns, entitled: “The Story of the Gun: History, Science, and Impact on Society’ (Springer, 2021).