Queensland University of Technology

QUT is a major Australian university with a global reputation and a ‘real world’ focus. Our courses equip our students and graduates with the skills and mindset they need to realise their full potential in a rapidly changing world.
We are an ambitious institution, with a growing research output focused on technology and innovation. QUT ranks in the world’s top 200 universities.
Our strategic plan establishes QUT as ‘the university for the real world’ and charts our provision of transformative education and research that is relevant to our communities.
With more than 50,000 students across two inner-city campuses in Brisbane, QUT is committed to transforming the learning experience, embedding work integrated learning, and focusing on developing entrepreneurial skills.
QUT is well-known for our strong links to industry and government, and our inter-disciplinary teams create high-impact research in areas as diverse as climate change mitigation, digital media, materials science, and biomedical innovation.
QUT is committed to embedding equity and equality into everything we do, and through our Campus to Country strategy we are in the process of transforming our campuses to reflect the past and present culture of Indigenous Australians.
QUT’s doctoral candidates are well supported throughout their candidature with access to tailored research training, world-class infrastructure and high-quality supervision.sss
Conditions for PhD enrolment
To be eligible for entry into a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), applicants normally must have:
· an Australian or comparable AQF first class or second class division A bachelor honours degree (AQF Level 8); or
· an Australian or comparable AQF master’s degree (by research or coursework) (AQF Level 9); or
· a doctorate (by research or coursework) (AQF Level 10).
Applicants who hold a coursework masters and/or doctorate must:
· have completed a significant research component, normally 25% or more of the credit point value;
· have a minimum grade point average of 5 (on a 7 point scale) in that course; and
· present evidence of research experience and potential for approval.
In addition, QUT requires that all students demonstrate a specified level of English proficiency. QUT accepts English language proficiency scores from the following tests. Tests must be taken no more than 2 years prior to the QUT course commencement.
More Information about entry requirements: https://cms.qut.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0015/640320/criteria-for-phd-admission.pdf